Description of project:

Since 2010, the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) has been engaging Caribbean stakeholders in dialogues to explore ‘green economy’ in the Caribbean context and the pathways for transformation of our economic development models.  One of the needs recognised is to engage local stakeholders, including civil society and resource users in communities, in movements to shape and create the green economy policies that respond to local realities.  The Green Economy Coalition (GEC), of which CANARI is a member, responded to this need with a global project “Creating enabling policy conditions for the transformation towards an inclusive green economy being funded by the European Commission” funded by the European Union (DCI-ENV/2016/372-847). The project established seven national/regional hubs in the global south, including one in the Caribbean which CANARI is managing under the #GE4U: Transformation towards an inclusive green economy in the Caribbean project (2016-2020). See here for the project summary.


  • CANARI developed the as a tool to help community enterprises to assess how they are delivering ‘triple-bottom line’ economic, environmental and social benefits and identify opportunities for continued strengthening (see toolkit).
  • CANARI conducted a diagnostic study “Exploring opportunities for transformation to inclusive, sustainable and resilient economies in the Eastern Caribbean” in collaboration with the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission.  See full report, policy brief and barometer. This was used as the foundation to develop the “OECS Green-Blue Economy Strategy and Action Plan” which was submitted to the the OECS Council of Ministers for Environmental Sustainability for approval.
  • CANARI and other members of the Green Economy Coalition launched the Santa Cruz Declaration on Local Green Enterprises – a global call to action from manufacturers, producers, business owners, entrepreneurs, innovators, and local communities in recognition of the vital importance of smaller businesses to addressing global challenges.

Key results

1.     Caribbean knowledge and networks were built to catalyse and support green economy transformations.

  •  Regional multi‐stakeholder green economy network convened and conducted action learning and advocacy:  The Caribbean Green Economy Action Learning Group (GE ALG) is comprised of leading experts from diverse sectors across the Caribbean islands who are worked together to catalyse change (see Terms of Reference and members).  Members discussed the vision and principles for an inclusive green economy in the Caribbean context, conducted a stocktaking on the evolution and the status of green economies in the Caribbean, assessed potential opportunities for a green economy transition, examined synergies with blue economy approaches in the Caribbean, and advocated for transformation to inclusive, environmentally sustainable and resilient economies in the Caribbean.
  • National multi‐stakeholder green economy network convened and conducting action learning and advocacy focused on small and micro enterprises (SMEs):  The Trinidad and Tobago Small and Micro Enterprise Action Learning Group was established with over 30 members from SMEs across diverse sectors (e.g. agriculture, tourism, craft) alongside organisations from government, civil society, inter-governmental agencies and the private sector providing technical or financial support to SMEs (see Terms of Reference and members).  Members worked together to explore how SMEs could be a pathway to a green economy and inputted into development and piloting of the Local Green-Blue Enterprise Radar.  They analysed what would be needed to strengthen enabling policies and practical initiatives to support development and strengthening of local green enterprises in Trinidad and Tobago, including via partnerships with the private sector and academia and SME collaboration for enhanced market access.
  • One global GEC event hosted in the Caribbean: CANARI co-hosted the annual Green Economy Coalition global meeting November 1-3, 2017 in Trinidad and Tobago.  The theme of the meeting was “Green enterprises: driving the transition from local to global” to focus on the potential of small and micro enterprises to drive new approaches to economic development.  This gave Caribbean stakeholders the opportunity to share knowledge with representatives of the six national hubs in the GEC global network.  See the report here and Reflections on our 2017 global meeting by the Green Economy Coalition.

2.    A strategy for green economy transformation in the Eastern Caribbean small islands was developed.

  • Diagnostic study developed and sub‐regional dialogue conducted to explore potential pathways to green economy transitions in the Eastern Caribbean: In collaboration with the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission, CANARI conducted a study of the current status, potential opportunities and capacity needs for a transition to inclusive and sustainable economic development in the Eastern Caribbean.  See herefor the full report “Exploring opportunities for transformation to inclusive, sustainable and resilient in the Eastern Caribbean” and also check out the “Eastern Caribbean Green Economy Barometer 2018” here.  Key recommendations are summarised in CANARI Policy Brief No. 25 on “Transitioning to inclusive, resilient and environmentally sustainable economies in the Eastern Caribbean” (see here) and infographic on key policy actions here.
  • Building on this diagnostic study, CANARI partnered with the OECS Commission to develop the OECS Green-Blue Economy Strategy and Action Plan to guide the transformation to more inclusive, environmentally sustainable and resilient economies in the Eastern Caribbean. This lays out a vision, principles, key pathways, potential partners and actions in the short and long term.

3.  Small and micro enterprises were promoted as a pathway to a green economy transition in Trinidad and Tobago.

  • A diagnostic study (see here) was developed on the potential for using SMEs as a pathway to a green economy transition in Trinidad and Tobago, with recommendations made for policy and practice.
  • A toolkit was published – The Local Green-Blue Enterprise Radar: A tool to support community enterprises and accompanying LGE Radar Workbook – to assist facilitators, trainers, mentors and those who provide support to community enterprises in applying the LGE Radar on “triple bottom-line” benefits and opportunities for continued improvement.
  • Case studies were documented on local green-blue enterprises from across the Caribbean, documented using the Local Green-Blue Enterprise Radar, with accompanying posters (see below)


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For more information, contact Nicole Leotaud, Executive Director at [email protected].

See related work under CANARI’s Green Economy programme.

Tags / keywords: Green economy, Economic development, Sustainable development, Action learning group, Small and micro enterprises, SMEs, Blue Economy